Correct Use:

  • Japanese steel is hard and sharp, and can be more brittle than some people are used to - it will chip if abused
  • Do not cut wire, metal, stone, plastic or any other hard material
  • Do not twist or apply uneven pressure
  • Cut diagonally across branches (not straight across) so you cut along the fibres
  • Use the base of the blades, not the tips, for heavier cuts

Keeping Them Clean:

  • Remove leaf resin, rust and gunk with water and a rough cloth
  • Dry, wipe over with oil and store in a dry place

Keeping Them Sharp:

New tools won’t need sharpening for some time, but after a while you’ll notice them gradually lose their edge. Use our Niwaki Maintenance Kit for best results (#1000 grit is best for general sharpening).

  • Sharpen Secateurs every couple of weeks
  • Sharpen Shears every time you use them - the difference is amazing